Friday 30 May 2008


last year about 300 military men commited suicides. And half of them was contractors.
It is clear that contract army doesn't resolve any problem, maybe only one, it reduces social tencity. Cause nobody is interested in contractors and those fates.

I think it doen't matter which type of army do we have: contract or conscription. Conscription is not a problem, it is not an evil. It is rather good system for army, lots of counties have such systems.
The problem is that there is no law in our country, law doesn't defend anybody. and if person can't defend himself, there is no chance for him.
It concerns everybody: military men, civilians, contractors...

Thursday 22 May 2008


Yesterday we were in theater. It was my first visit since university.
I liked it very much, the piece name was "A very simple story", it is modern one, about love, about ethical choice, about parents and kids...

Thursday 15 May 2008

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Rather interesting work, rather easy for understanding. This is allegorical narration about Great October Socialistic Revolution. The story talks about authority, how it conceals his expectancies and become terrible. It talks how it can be easy to cheat a crowd and manage it. I recommend the book for everybody.

In the end of my edition there are some exercises, understanding ones, writening ones. Now I'll make the last writening exercise, the task is to answer following questions.

1. Which characters in the story do you feel most sympathy towards? explain why.

Nobody. After Snowball's proscription it could be Snowball, but at the time of his managing I didn't have any nice feeling to him. There is no real hero in the story, but in comparison with Napoleon everybody is positive hero.

2.Describe the development of Napoleon's character and behaviour as the story progresses. How inevitable do you think it is?

All the time Napoleon was very imperious, dictatorial. But in beginning he couldn't show all his character, it was dangerous for him, residents could stop him, depose him. But with time his power became unlimited and his character was shown in whole. I don't think power deprave people, but power can show real humans character.

3. Do you feel the story is more or less powerful for its use of animals as the main characters? Give reason for you answer.

Yeah, I reckon it is rather powerful. There are different animals and they have different characters, it is very convenient to compare humans characters with animals.

5. "All animals are equals but some animals are more equals than others."
With reference to men and women rather than animals, how true is this of your society or another society than you are familiar with?

This is absolutely truth in our society. There is no low in our country. There is, but not for everybody.

6. Is it possible for a society ever to be completely democratic? Justify your answer with reference to past and present social groups that you are familiar with.

I think it'll be impossible if there is such society, there are such people as we have now. Because people are different, one need power, other need nothing, third can be deceived very easy, fourth will deceive third. People aren't equals in reason of these nature and these characters, nothing and nobody can make people equals.