Thursday, 23 October 2008

Industry best prictices

The last methodology principle we were consider is the using industry best practices.
Understanding and applying best practices can improve the flexibility and extensibility of a software solution.
Design principles are guide line [...] about half software interact and combine to providing flexibility, extensibility and deep coupling across the system.
This principles provide rules from which software pattern arise.
An example is the separation of concern principles. This principle stays that different types of behavior should be separated into different components.
The result of this principle is the coming separation between UI, service and entity components.
This principle also leads that [...] of your controller pattern and DAO pattern.
Software pattern can be defined as "a repeatable solution to the required problem within a context".
Patterns describe expert solutions to everyday problems. Patterns appear in all levels of system development.
Architectural patterns affect hight-level structure of the system and usually support non-functionally requirements.
An example of architectural pattern is load-ballancing. This pattern increase the system [equality??]
and system throughput by adding additional servers to handle [...].
Design patterns affect medium level of structure and usual support functional requirement.
An example of design pattern is a strategy pattern. This pattern allows the runtime selection one variant from a set of possible other variants.
An example of this can be sorting. There are many sorting algorithms such as the bubble sort, merge sort and so on.
Each sorting algorithm has its own kinds. The strategy pattern would propose the user to dynamically select an appropriate sort technique at runtime.

According Martin Fowler refactoring is "the process of changing the software system in such way than it doesn't effort the external behavior of the code, but improve internal structure". Refactoring is done all the time doing software development and especially doing maintenance.
Refactoring is recognized as regiment and significant practice.
Programmer should be [..] to develop [..] refactoring. Find several books in title refactoring providing detail exploration of this topic.
Sun microsystem's published documents that print together best practices in wide [...] of technical areas including J2EE development,
cluster configuration and so on.

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